So here we are enjoying a lazy evening at a cozy lounge in Cambodia. That is, we were enjoying our evening. In the booths around us are somewhat well behaved American students newly arrived on their tourism study abroad program. Except for one, that is. I've seen a lot of drunk, loud, obnoxious people in my day (see below in the list), but this one wins the prize. She redefines Borderline Personality Disorder. She can't shut the hell up, and it's as if four people are trying to speak inside her head at once. She has basically taken over the lounge, spewing her demented brand of American representation to anyone who will listen. Unfortunately the Dutch table next to her wanted no more, sparking a brief confrontation when they tried to move to a table far far away in another galaxy. As I write this I am witnessing the entire place repositioning themselves to get a better view of what will be the most spectacularly imminent implosion of dignity I'll ever witness.