Dear Joy and Jayson, What awonderful way to relive old experiences as we traveled through New Zealand and now Australia with both of you. Milford Sound and the flite in a 6 seater over the Glacier back to Queenstown was our Bungy jump. There are so many things to do in Sydney.. Dinner at the top of the Observation Tower[ which revolves] from daylight to dusk gives incredible views of the entire area. We went for Elaines Birthday. Also we attended a concert at the Opera House and had dinner there and it was unforgettable. Of course shopping in The Rocks-We stayed at the ANA Hotel above the Harbor on a high floor with marvelous vistas all the way to the ocean. Other ideas-gop out to Bondi Beach to watch the Lifeguards, Shop at David Jones Dept Store for the largest selection of COOGI sweaters-a boat ride around the Harbor inccluding Rose Harbor is beautiful alot like the SF Bay. If your drivingto Melbourne be sure and stop in Canberra , the Capitol. A great trip is the train ride thru the Blue Mountains and up north the train that goes to Karanda. The Great Barrier Reef and the snorkeling in the Queensland Territory is a must. We used Cairns and a smaller town north of there as our jumping off point and spent three days on Dunk Island. There are many islands with resort hotels. Of course you have to visit the aborigines and learn about The Dreamtime. Also driving from Melbourne thru the Outback to Canberra and Sydney with some roads unimproved thru small villages was really interesting. Any way enjoy. These are just a couple of ideas but don"t think you two are missing much. We only spent 4 and 1/2 weeks in Australia so you probably will have more time to explore. Plus we took time to call on David Jones in Sydney and Myers Dept Stores in Melbourne. all of two afternoons.
Keep on having fun and staying Safe. Oh and a belated HAPPY Valentines Day.
What awonderful way to relive old experiences as we traveled through New Zealand and now Australia with
both of you. Milford Sound and the flite in a 6 seater over the Glacier back to Queenstown was our
Bungy jump. There are so many things to do in Sydney..
Dinner at the top of the Observation Tower[ which revolves] from daylight to dusk gives incredible views of the entire area. We went for Elaines Birthday. Also we attended a concert at the Opera House and had dinner there and it was unforgettable. Of course shopping in The Rocks-We stayed at the ANA
Hotel above the Harbor on a high floor with marvelous
vistas all the way to the ocean. Other ideas-gop out to Bondi Beach to watch the Lifeguards, Shop at David Jones Dept Store for the largest selection of COOGI sweaters-a boat ride around the Harbor inccluding Rose Harbor is beautiful alot like the SF
Bay. If your drivingto Melbourne be sure and stop in Canberra , the Capitol. A great trip is the train ride thru the Blue Mountains and up north the train
that goes to Karanda. The Great Barrier Reef
and the snorkeling in the Queensland Territory is a must. We used Cairns and a smaller town north of there as our jumping off point and spent three days on Dunk Island. There are many islands with resort
hotels. Of course you have to visit the aborigines and learn about The Dreamtime. Also driving from Melbourne thru the Outback to Canberra and Sydney with
some roads unimproved thru small villages was really interesting. Any way enjoy. These are just a couple of ideas but don"t think you two are missing much.
We only spent 4 and 1/2 weeks in Australia so you
probably will have more time to explore. Plus we took time to call on David Jones in Sydney and Myers Dept
Stores in Melbourne. all of two afternoons.
Keep on having fun and staying Safe. Oh and a belated HAPPY Valentines Day.
We Love you,
Grandma Elaine and Grandpa Bob