Travel Gear > Gadgets & Gear (8)
Dell XPS M1210
A total powerhouse. 100 gig HD, Duo Core 2.16GHz Processor, 2 gigs RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce 7400 video card - all in 4 pounds. Since I'm attempting to run my company while on the road this is the single most essential piece of hardware I have. Only downside is the battery life - barely 2 hours! -
Sony Vaio TX770-P
Joy's teeny tiny computer. A mere 2 pounds, yet has a gig of RAM, 80 gig hard drive, and 1.3GHz Pentium M processor. Killer battery life too. She's obsessed with it. If she's not eating or drinking, she's on this modern miracle.
Blackberry 8700
Just in case I can't use my computer, I have the Blackberry as backup for getting emails and instant messages. An international usage plan allows me to connect to any network anywhere in the world. I'm constantly shocked at the remote locations this thing gets a data signal from.
Zen Vision W
Battlestar Galactica, The Shield, Boston Legal - how could I live without being able to watch them anytime, anywhere? The 60GB Zen Vision W, coupled with downloading shows illegally via and, ensures that I can.
Playstation Portable
How could I live for even one singly day without video games? They are my air. I won't list all the games I brought with me, but let's just say it's in the double digits.
iPod - 60GB
The one and only. This is the mp3 player that Joy uses.
Zen V
If I'm going to carry around an MP3 player it has to be small. At 1.55oz and half an inch thick, this thing is small. It only holds 4 gigs, but it's enough space to put some of my favorites for emergency listening.
Zen Aurvana
What's the point of having great gear for music and video if your headphones suck? The Zen Aurvana are noise-cancelling acoustic and erognomic ...aurvana...