What We Did > What We Did (7)
Walk from the Central Market to the Souk
We felt like real desert wanderers this day, since we were the only dummies to actually be outside in this 100 degree weather walking around -- no wonder every person was stairing at us. We meandered our way into the souk area, and then came to realize that Bahrain takes a "siesta" from 1-3pm, so all the stores were closed. That's when McDonalds came to our rescue, and we splurged on some fast food, while we cooled down in the air conditioned respite!
Mosque in the Souk Area
Not sure which mosque this was, but we thought it was really nice looking. Also, Jason snapped a quick photo getting a traditionally dressed woman in the foreground.
Bab al Bahrain (Gate of Bahrain)
Built by the British in the 1940s, this is one entranceway to get into the Manama Souk area. It also houses the tourism office in the building. -
Watching the sunst from our hotel
It was beautiful to watch the sunset from the hotel.
The Grand Mosque Drive-by
It was Friday , so couldn't enter the mosque on this holy day, but got a nice view from the road.
The National Museum
There was a lot of hype around how great this museum was -- it was okay, but not the most interesting. I did enjoy some of the modern art pieces, as well the cultural information about Bahrain.
The Pearl Momumnet -- sits majestically on one of the roundabouts
One of the landmark of Bahrain is the Pearl roundabout as it signiifies the 6 (GCC) states in Arabian Gulf. In additon the pearl is also one of the most important bases of the island's wealth, and more than 2,000 pearling boats operated during the late 1920s.