Raquet Ball Wisdom

So, we're on the court today, as is typical of our Saturday morning routine. I'm kicking Jason's butt as usual, and he starts getting in quite a frustrated tizzy at this desimation, fumbling his raquet on the ground, making excuses about his grip being off, and spouting out lots of not so pretty words. Look, I totally empathize with this level of frustration, being that I have a slight competitve side to me, and have been known to chuck a tennis raquet across the entire length of a tennis court, and crack it in half.
Anyway, I try and coach him out of the funk and tell him to slow down, take a deep breath, focus every ounce of energy on each point and just regroup. We begin a new game (since I was up 7-0 and it just wasn't looking pretty for Jason) and the first shot he hits is all over the dam court. He starts to get pissed off, but then catches himself, saying aloud "okay, I need to re-grip". I start cracking up, as Jason has a wonderful way with playing with words, and re-gripping makes so much dam sense. Low and behold, he was actually able to get 14 points on me that game, although eventually lost 16-14. HOWEVER, he did win 1 out of our 5 games, and I'm sure a lot of it had to do with his ability to re-grip.
The point is, learning to readjust to the situation, not freak out, and "re-grip" goes a long way (especially when Jason plays me in raquetball or any sport for that matter). I'm anticipating a lot of re-gripping on our travels, as no doubt many of our experiences will be hair raising.
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