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Hallelujah, We Have Arrived!

It kind of feels like we’ve given birth (although neither of us knows what that feels like, yet), after the long, exciting, sometimes laborious, stressful, and even painful process of planning this trip, for actually almost 9 months as it turns out.

We are currently in Auckland, New Zealand, actually sitting in an internet cafe 1047435-635127-thumbnail.jpgas I type. This is definitely an interesting way to begin our travels, since we kind of don’t even feel like we’re half way around the world; everything is in English, there’s a beautiful waterfront (like the SF Bay), and we’ve just taken to our routine similar to home of wandering the streets for hours, observing people, and searching for nice restaurants and bars.

The reality of our foreign destination hits in different moments, like every time we try and cross the street, and forget how cars are on the opposite side of the road, only to narrowly miss being hit. Also, the overall pace of life seems to be much slower. There isn’t a sense of urgency or real hustle and bustle like we experience at home. Although this can translate into what feels like really poor/slow service in a restaurant, I think it could be a cultural norm, and we're actually taking to the more relaxed pace.

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