Zorbing is Slip Sliding Goodness. . .

When you first arrive to the reception area, there's a menu of options of how you can do it - tandem, strapped in to a harness, straight down, zig-zag, dry or wet. It's kind of overwhelming since you don't really know what it all means. We opted for the tandem, and just hoped for the best.
We hopped into the back of the van which drove us to the top of the hill where the adventure would begin. They fill just the bottom of the Zorb with some warm water, enough to basically lubricate the whole thing so you don't stick to it. First Jason dove in head first into the small opening, next me, and then it's zipped close.
1,2,3 the gate was opened, and off we went rolling down the hill. Water splashing everywhere, our bodies flailing all over the place, and endless laughter sums up the scene from inside the Zorb.
When we got to the bottom we both looked at each other and instantly knew once wasn't enough We splurged for the 3 pack giving us two more times each. We decided to go solo, once on the zig zag track, which the above video is of, and lastly on the straight track right down the hill.
What an awesome experience. If you ever get the chance to Zorb, do it! Jason actually has it in his head that they should start up Zorbing in SF down Lombard Street.

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