Melbourne has an intersting transit system consisting primarily of trams which run along tracks that get you around town. Now Jason had taken note that when people were getting on the tram there was noone checking their tickets, so he summised there was probably no need to actually even purchase a ticket. Anyone who knows me understands my level of anxiety around things like this which challenge the legal system, so I convinced him to buy at least one day tram ticket.
By the end of the day we had bundled so much change that on our way back from St. Kilda beach we decided (more like I pleaded) we'd buy a second ticket just to be safe-- BUT, we we were literally 5 cents short only having $6.05, and not $6.10 to purchase a second day pass. We were braving it with a single ticket.
At this point on the tram ride I had taken note of a sign in my nervous state, that read it was a crime to ride without a ticket and punishment could result in a fine or jail. Okay that's when my sweat factor shot through the roof. That ride felt like forever, but we arrived back to out destination no problem, no worries, we were free as birds.
Then came our evening excursion to dinner, which we decided to take the tram to. At this point I was feeling brave, since we'd gotten away with it several times throughout the day. Again we boarded the tram no problem, we had a pleasant ride, and then came time to depart. I don't know why but stupidly I chose to depart the front of the tram, when every other time we had departed the middle door of the tram. As I was climbing down the stairs, a uniformed tram police guy asked to see my ticket. All I could do was point to Jason and let him take over.
Lets just say they take traveling without a tram ticket very seriously. Jason managed to convince them we thought we only needed one day pass for the both of us. That's when they started to question how long we've been in Melbourne, to which Jason replied one day (when really it had been 4). Then they wanted to know which hotel we were staying at so they could call the hotel to confirm that we had only been here one day. Next, they wanted to know specifically who's tram ticket it actually was, since the one without it was the culprit. Jason considered throwing me under the bus, but he stuck by my side.
They were seriously on to us like white on rice, but my clever little husband maneauvered his way throughout the whole ordeal. Anyway, we got off somehow after a 30 minute drill by both the tram police and his supervisor.
We were very lucky this time, but I promise you there will be no tram rides without two tickets from here on out even if Jason tries to convince me of it!
Reader Comments (2)
Anyway, I got busted by the tram police in Krakow with two other girls. We begged, we pleaded. But we had to pay. I remember working the Melbourne system once and being nervous just like you were!